CiNum 2007 Driving Forces > Ci'Num 07 Homepage > Driving Forces
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Science and technology
1. Ubiquitous computing and networking
2. Virtual and augmented reality
3. Artificial intelligence
4. Quantum computing
5. Nanotechnology
6. Biotechnology
7. Neuroscience, cognitive science
8. Augmented body, transformed body
9. Complexity
10. Relationship between society and science, progress, technology
11. Aging population in the West
12. Urbanization and Mobility
13. Changing social patterns with digital technologies
14. Healthcare
15. Education and TIC
16. Media Cultures
17. Coping with global warming
18. Religion
Economy, Environment and Energy
19. Global, Financial Capitalism and its discontents
20. New value creation processes
21. Sustainable development
22. Research and Innovation investments, abilities, methods
Politics, regulation, geopolitics
23. Economic and political globalization
24. War and conflicts: local, global, pervasive?
25. Immigration
26. European integration
27. China and India as major superpowers?
28. Future of democracy