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Artificial Neural Networks From (Redirected from Driving Forces Template) Jump to: navigation, search Driving Forces > Artificial Neural Networks > Driving Forces > How to Upload a Driving Force > Artificial Neural Networks China becoming the largest economy



1 Description: 2 Enablers: 3 Inhibitors: 4 Paradigms: 5 Timing: 6 Web Resources:

[edit] Description: Over the next 50 years, Brazil, Russia, India and China—the BRICs economies—could become a much larger force in the world economy. Goldman Sachs has predicted that China will become the largest economy in 2041, closely followed by the US and India

[edit] Enablers: 1. Stable Macro Environment

2. Strong and Stable political institutions

3. Openess to trade and foreign direct investments

4. High levels of education

[edit] Inhibitors: 1. Unstable political environment, minority issues

2. Unhealthy financial institutions (Not commercial driven)

3. Working population decreasing (one child policy)

[edit] Paradigms: 1. Change of world power when China becomes the biggest economy

[edit] Timing: 2015: China's economy will be bigger than Japan

2041: China's economy will be bigger than US 1949: psychologist Donald Hebb suggests that a strengthening of the connections between neurons in the brain accounts for learning.

[edit] Web Resources: 1.