People need for communication and information

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Worldwidely, the trend of people needs to communicate with each other has increases. Furthermore, the blooming and fast-advances in technology allows people to communicate and share information through the Web at ease. Communication among people and sharing of information thus resulting in arrising of issues of Intellectual Property as the explosive increased use of the Internet and free software tools ease the copying of information, text, sound and graphic.


1) Information explode

People nowadays put all kinds of information even "private information" to the Internet. As consequences, there exist vast amount of information on the Internet such as e-books, mp3s, videos, source code , pictures and etc.

2) Digitalization technology

The digitalization of technology further advances. Basically, almost everything you name that you want are freely available on the Internet. With so many softwares tools and services available, people are easier to share and copy them.

3) Change in information channel

Tradionally, all books, illustrations and reports are all held in our hand and was fairly easier to protect. But now, the information channel has changed to the Internet no longer resides on disks or other 'can be seen or touch' material. For any user, they can publish-virtually anything on the Web.


1) Protection of informations

When there are so much information on the internet, this threatens to make copyright and other intellectual property protections obsolete. (Chabrow, Copyrights: What's Left?)

2) Government regulations

Some information cannot or should not be published to the Internet. Users could not possibly get everything just via two keystrokes.


The advances of technology has shrunk the world. People can now communicate, work and share information easily around the world. Traditional organizations has transformed into virtual organizations and sharing information and exchanging data are so easy. People no longer drive to work and the traffic is no longer congested because people can work from home with convenience. There is no need to build multilevels of parking space and people can manage their time more better.


The needs for people to communication continuing to expand and the Internet has existed since few decades ago