ICT accustomed society

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Improved integration of IT into the current society: More and more people are growing up with computers or know how they work because of having to work with them at a company. This makes the group of internet and thus also bottom up internet users bigger and better.


  • Availability / Reach : The more people are reached by ICT or are able to access IT solutions the more they will become accostomed to the products.
  • Education : The more eductated people are the more complicated things they can do with ICT. Also schooling that is being done with computers fuels this.
  • Simplification / User friendliness : The simpler or user friendlier IT solutions become the easier it gets for people to get accustomed to it.
  • Attractiveness : The more attractive ICT solutions become or the more fun they become the more users will want to use them. Look for example at the chat programs which have brought hordes of housewifes and students to the computer.
  • Services offered : The more services are offered through ICT, for example the internet, the more people there will be that find it very easy not to go somewhere to get their things arranged.


  • Safety : The lower the safety and the higher "back-track" ability of the solutions the less customers want to work with it.
  • Spam / virus : The bigger the mingling of people with ICT solutions the bigger the chance that they'll be bothered by viruses or spam, this reduces the willingness of people to work with the product or let their children work with it.
  • Money : The less money people have the less ICT solutions they can afford and the less accustomed they will get to ICT.




Started around 2 decades ago with almost no accustomed users, speeded up in the last decade also because of the internet. (Except for the virus/spam bit)

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