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A domestic task Robot such as cleaning Robot now sells amoing the developed    nations.
-Household chores are the domain of domestic appliance robots such as self-
navigating lawnmowers or vacuum cleaners.
Sales reached 39,000 units in 2003 and are forecast to hit 20 million by 2008.


Revision as of 14:26, 18 November 2005


Robot will do domestic tasks and be as common as TVs. you will have a robot doing chores like dispending medicine,feeding the cat, making cups of tea,taking food out of the freezer and cooking it in a microwave in 10 years.



-Household chores are the domain of domestic appliance robots such as self-

navigating lawnmowers or vacuum cleaners.
Sales reached 39,000 units in 2003 and are forecast to hit 20 million by 2008.


-Most scinentists believe they will eventually recreate human beings made
 of plastic,wire and silicon.
-Robotics has developed by simply taking electronic brains and fitting them
 to existing domestic devices.
-Japanese scientists have unveiled the most human looking Robot yet-a female
 android named Replice Q'EXPO.

●Manufacturer: Many manufacturers invest continuously robot industry in the view of long term periods.





