Online Vidoe Delivery

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The delivery of video via online methods became really popular because of the increasing public's interest in the service. This market is hotting up since telcos to search engines to electronics manufacturers are trying to get in to the act. The media delivery business is changing out of all recognition, and the next five to ten years will see a complete revolution in the ways in which media is both created and delivered.


High speed internet

Increasing bandwidth capacity with the new developments

Improved security in the Deliverylinks

Availability of huge storage and sheer power capacities

Partnership of different stakeholders such as Intel-Microsoft


Content rights and management

Uncertaint future in consumer trends

Broadband provision issue


As the new generation is growing up trough the internet age, these future potential customer's trends will be to obtain their needs from this huge market (internet). On-line shops, online-radios already started to become a part of the people's daily life. In the next 10 years, after the children of today became teenagers, the use of the technology will increase exponentially. These new customers will request to watch their videos, news, music through their playground, internet, instead of classical TV's.



Investments to increase storage and bandwidth capacities already started in the last years. Technological developments will follow this direction to prepare the seamless operations for the next ten years.

==Web Resources==