First Thing: Get Ready For A Long Summer On Lockdown

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One area Obama cited as a possibility of overlapping with interests with Republicans was poverty, an issue that House Speaker Paul Ryan has owned during his time in Congress and connected many of the guests invited to sit in his box during the speech. The reauthorization of the Export-Import bank, a budget agreement, a transportation deal, No Child Left Behind reform legislation 'all of that was work that we were able to do by trying to find common ground' with House Speaker Paul Ryan, he said today. And why was I vetting my kids’ movie selections on Common Sense Media, a website that exhaustively catalogs frightening or otherwise objectionable content in children’s entertainment? Luckily, free ethical porn is growing in popularity, and it’s around to enjoy if you look hard enough for it. The president brought up the issues in passing along with other unfulfilled commitments from his two terms like 'fixing a broken immigration system,' equal pay for equal work, paid family leave, paid pre-K education for all, two years of free community college and a federal minimum wage increase.

Malloy, of Hartford, Connecticut, is a Democratic governor who has led efforts to increase the minimum wage and tighten gun laws following the massacre of 20 elementary school students in Newtown, Connecticut. But the political undertones in Obama's speech were evident as he not-so-subtly went after not only Trump, but also, Cruz, who is second place in the GOP race. Ronald Reagan was the first in 1982 to invite special guests and recognize them during the speech. Possibly the most fashion conscious First Lady ever, Michelle Obama certainly made a statement with a bright dress for husband's optimistic final State of the Union address. Democrats also pointed out the lower, less partisan tone of Obama's remarks in his final annual address. And as President Obama illustrated, Democrats have a plan for a brighter and more resilient future. Obama presidency,' he said. This victory was celebrated by the Obama Administration and the White House was turned rainbow colors for the day.