Next generation mobile devices 2015

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Team Composition

Focal Issues

* Users
* Security/privacy
* User interfaces
* Connectivity
* Applications
* Health
* Power
* Economics

  1. What kind of people will use mobile technology in 2015?
  2. Can mobile phones revert from being lifestyle objects to mere tools, like in their inception? In similar thinking, is the mobile phone market bifurcated (either too sophisticated and expensive, or simple and price savvy)?
  3. Designer phones adorned by famous fashion houses (Armani, Prada, Levis) are making an appearance. Are they an ephemeral fad or something permanent?
  4. What kind of security threats will be there for mobile technology (virusses, eavesdropping, ...)?
  5. Does Mobile technology pose a security threat (terrorism, difficult to trace)?
  6. What will be the effect of bendable OLED displays on mobile device design?
  7. What is the potential of Wimax connection protocol for mobile handset devices? Is Mobile Wimax a possible replacement candidate for GSM networks, 2G, 3G, Bluetooth connectivity? Can it be used complementarily as a wireless backhaul technology?
  8. What is the potential of broadband connectivity on mobile devices and how does it affect the possibility of live mobile TV?
  9. Can there be selective customization in mobile devices equivalent to the computer industry (select components, enable add-ons)
  10. What is the perceived functionality of an i-phone? Do such devices (or similar from NOKIA and Sony-Ericsson) cast MP3 devices obsolete?
  11. Will voip slowly take over the traditional mobile phone carriers?
  12. Fractal compression offers superior quality at high compression than dct-based algorithms like JPEG. Ratios of over 170:1 have been achieved for satellite imagery. Can and will fractal compression be implemented in mobile devices?
  13. What is the status of voice recognition technology on mobile phones? Will it eventually replace traditional typing and menu browsing? Can recorded messages be converted to sms form?
  14. Does the increased sophistication of connectivity networks pose any tangible health risks?
  15. Are mobile phone implants (tooth or brain) feasible, or even ethically acceptable?
  16. All these new technologies imply increased energy consumption. Is there a more efficient alternative to Li-ion power batteries? Can it be environment friendly?
  17. Who is the biggest mobile device manufacturer in term of devices sold and produced?
  18. What's the total size of the industry?
  19. Who are the biggest players on the market?
  20. How many mobile phones are sold every year?
  21. How big is the mobile phone industry?
  22. What is the business model of the current phone manufacturers?
  23. What is the business model of the service providers?
  24. How much money does everyone spend per year (differentiate to access)?
  25. Do different countries / regions have different cases.
  26. How is the use of mobile technology across the age groups?
  27. In what locations do people use mobile technology?
  28. What application are used on the mobile phone and how often are they used?
  29. What kind of data do people access using mobile technology?
  30. What do we mean with mobility?
  31. Does mobile technology make land lines obsolete?
  32. How much time do people spend using a mobile device?
  33. Are people satisfied with the current state of mobile technology?
  34. What is the demography in 2015?
  35. How does mobile technology have impact on the language used?
  36. Will the mobile device turn into a platform with basic functionality to which functional modules can be added?
  37. Who will develop these functional modules?
  38. How will piracy affect those modules?
  39. Why do people want to be reachable, do they even want to be reachable?
  40. In what situations is a mobile device used?
  41. For what reason do people buy mobile technology, impress, copying others?
  42. Do people prefer to have different functionality in different devices, or do they want one single device with all the functionalities?
  43. How does mobile technology impact social life?
  44. How does culture affect the use of mobile technology?
  45. What is the mobile technology roadmap?
  46. What kind of user interface technology available in 2015?
  47. Can the mobile phone be used as a wallet?
  48. How can mobile technology improve health, can it be used to store medical history?
  49. Can mobile devices be used for parental control?
  50. What influence could the government have on the development of mobile technology?
  51. How can the gorvernment use new mobile technology?
  52. How will the entertainment industry cope with developments in mobile technology?
  53. Will the industry change their business model, iTunes, p2p sharing etc?
  54. Will internet television make normal television obsolete?
  55. Will advertising companies manage to use new mobile technology?
  56. How costumizable will mobile technology be, mass-costumization?
  57. How will e-banking develop?
  58. What pricing models are possible?
  59. Is there a niche market for very expensive models, how will the developments in mobile technology affect this niche?
  60. What is the current average price of a mobile phone?
  61. What kind of mobile phone models are sold most?
  62. Convergence of devices will make mobile technology more complicated. Will this scare off most people?