Increasing demand for easier life

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Breadcrumbs: The Future of Ubiquitous computing in 2025 --> Economical Driving Forces for the Future of ubicomputing --> Editing Increasing demand for easier life


"If computers are everywhere, they better stay out of the way."
Mark Weiser, John Seely Brown

New technologies that significantly make people's life easier are extremly quickly adopted. A typical example is the microwave oven that revolutionarized the food preparation or cell phone that dramatically influenced communication among people.

Growing number of electronic devices used by individuals nowadays is often causing cognitive overload. Therefore introduction of ubiquitous computing has to be designed very carefully to make people's life easier rather than more complicated.


  1. People's laziness
  2. Technologically savvy users


  1. Frustrating interfaces



  • Philips: Sense & Sensibility


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