2 Integration of knowledge management system and e-learning system

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Knowledge management and training are integral and closely associated parts within a single framework. Knowledge management allows effective control andmanagement of the corporate memory – the knowledge that is within the organization[Bielawski & Metcalf, 2003]. As a result of corporate knowledge, a virtual classroom evolves, which in addition to the classic "live training program" makes a dialog/interaction possible despite "distance learning."


1. Transform the implicit knowledge to explicit knowledge
2. Refine informatons to gain knowledges
3. Save and retrieve knowledge with Database


1. Today's knowledges could be useless in future.
2. Depends too much on knowlege management system for learing without change management.




Web Resources:

1.Integration of Knowledge Management & e-Learning at Hewlett-Packard Services http://i-know.know-center.tugraz.at/previous/i-know04/papers/haghi2.pdf#search='Integration%20of%20knowledge%20management%20system%20and%20elearning%20system'