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- e-community is any place groups of people talk together on the Internet; in mailing lists, in newsgroups, in chat rooms, or on Web sites. Virtual community can also cover more specialized situations, such as long-distance education or shared project work spaces. And it can describe some communications that aren't discussions, such as posting customer evaluations or answering opinion polls. Whenever people are aware of each other's presence on the Internet, they're likely to consider themselves part of a community.

- Cyber/Virtual community


- Needs for Relationship

- Saving money and time

- supporting by e-business companies

- People's need for communication and information


- ethical or legal crime under cover of a false name

- escape from reality


  • Before : Community means interaction and relationship in physically limited space.
  • After : If you had something to be interested in, it is possible to make a community with anyone regardless of time or place.


-Howard Rheingold : The virtual community : homesteading on the electronic frontier(2000)

-Judith S.Donath


Web Resources:

1. http://www.rheingold.com/