1 Users' learning patterns

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A ubiquitous society is also called a "computers everywhere society" and is a society where anyone can use computers anytime, anywhere. Tiny computers would be embedded everywhere in our living space -- not only in home appliances, but also in the walls and electric lights in houses, items in shops such as clothes and pill bottles, and food wrappers papers -- and these computers would communicate and link with each other in order to realize more convenient and higher quality life for us.


The Increasing Use of Internet

People's need for communication and information

Increasing Mobility

Market convergence : computer+communication+consumer goods.


Growing privacy and security concerns

how to manage security,privacy, and trust?

Control and Monitoring by authorities.


The ubiquitous society will be actualized through the broadband mobile technology, resulting the business manner / communication manner will be changed. (For example, the TV conference in the high speed train leads drastic speed up of the speed of business)



Web Resources:

1. http://www.nca.or.kr/homepage/main/data/issue.nsf/Byissue2003V/452F08EBB2515F13C925705F0006375D/$file/050804+유비쿼터스사회연구시리즈①.pdf