Increase of IPO activity in US stock exchange market

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As we know the level of IPO activity in the US stock market is an important force that increases the VC investment in start-up enterprises, usually important proportion of those start-ups are technology related companies.


- Increase IT start-up activity

- Increase in activity and liquidity in stock exchange market

- Increase IT R&D activity, new IT projects among established IT firms



If IT R&D activity does not run well, the internet will not improve or change too much as it is today


- 1998 and 1999 record of IPOs in US stock exchange market

- 2000 Bubble blow up

- Since 2000 the IPOs were almost nothing in US stock exchange market

- IT downtorn during the early 2000s

- 2004 Google IPO, a big success. Is it the beginning of the turn around?

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