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== Low electrical brain activity causes some epileptics to have seizures  ==
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IN THIS ARTICLEClub Drugs IntroductionAmphetaminesEcstasyOther StimulantsPCP and KetamineDate-Rape DrugsInhalantsOther Club DrugsFor More InformationWeb LinksMultimediaSynonyms and KeywordsReferencesAuthors and EditorsDate-Rape DrugsGamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, is a hypnotic depressant known on the street by several names: easy lay, Georgia home boy, liquid X, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, grievous body harm, Gib, G-riffic, natural sleep-500, gamma-oh, cherry meth, scoop, soap, salty water, organic Quaalude, fantasy, sodium oxybate, somatomax, and gamma hydrate. GHB is perhaps best known as the date-rape drug. What it looks like: GHB usually comes in a liquid form that can be mixed with other liquids. Recipes for home synthesis are available on the Internet. 3-butyrolactone and 1,4 butanediol are derivatives of GHB that are converted to GHB after ingestion. They are often purchased by body builders at health food stores for their purported muscle-building and fat-burning qualities. GHB is less commonly available in the capsule form. What it does: GHB is a depressant similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid. Its effects range from drowsiness, forgetfulness, and loss of muscle tone to seizurelike activity, slowed heartbeat and breathing, and coma. The coma lasts 1-2 hours, with full recovery usually occurring by 8 hours. In the date-rape scenario, it is often slipped into an unwitting victim’s drink. By January 2000, the US Drug Enforcement Agency had reported 60 deaths associated with GHB use. High school kids are using this as an alternative to alcohol. It leaves no odor for parents to detect, and the effects are gone by the time users return home from a night out. Harmful effects: Effects of the drug begin 15-60 minutes after use and typically last up to 6 hours. It can be detected in the urine up to 12 hours after ingestion. Tolerance (progressive decreased susceptibility to a drug's effects), dependence (compulsion to take a drug to experience its psychic effects or to avoid the discomfort of its absence), and withdrawal reactions have been reported with GHB use. Respiratory depression can be severe enough to require life support on a ventilator or breathing machine until the drug effects wear off.Rohypnol (generic name, flunitrazepam) a potent benzodiazepine (a class of tranquilizing agents), is known as Mexican Valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, roche, R2, rope, and forget-me pill. It is available in more than 60 countries in Europe and Latin America, where its legitimate use includes preoperative anesthesia. This drug is not available in North America for sale or prescription. It is usually brought into the United States by mail. Florida, California, and Texas are the states that have the most confiscations of rohypnol.
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While a tense abdomen filled with fluid is easy to recognize, initially, the amount of ascites fluid may be small and difficult to detect. As the amount of fluid increases, the patient may complain of a fullness or heaviness in the abdomen. It is often the signs of the underlying disease that initially brings the patient to seek medical care.

Revision as of 12:32, 26 December 2009

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Low electrical brain activity causes some epileptics to have seizures

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IN THIS ARTICLEClub Drugs IntroductionAmphetaminesEcstasyOther StimulantsPCP and KetamineDate-Rape DrugsInhalantsOther Club DrugsFor More InformationWeb LinksMultimediaSynonyms and KeywordsReferencesAuthors and EditorsDate-Rape DrugsGamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, is a hypnotic depressant known on the street by several names: easy lay, Georgia home boy, liquid X, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, grievous body harm, Gib, G-riffic, natural sleep-500, gamma-oh, cherry meth, scoop, soap, salty water, organic Quaalude, fantasy, sodium oxybate, somatomax, and gamma hydrate. GHB is perhaps best known as the date-rape drug. What it looks like: GHB usually comes in a liquid form that can be mixed with other liquids. Recipes for home synthesis are available on the Internet. 3-butyrolactone and 1,4 butanediol are derivatives of GHB that are converted to GHB after ingestion. They are often purchased by body builders at health food stores for their purported muscle-building and fat-burning qualities. GHB is less commonly available in the capsule form. What it does: GHB is a depressant similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid. Its effects range from drowsiness, forgetfulness, and loss of muscle tone to seizurelike activity, slowed heartbeat and breathing, and coma. The coma lasts 1-2 hours, with full recovery usually occurring by 8 hours. In the date-rape scenario, it is often slipped into an unwitting victim’s drink. By January 2000, the US Drug Enforcement Agency had reported 60 deaths associated with GHB use. High school kids are using this as an alternative to alcohol. It leaves no odor for parents to detect, and the effects are gone by the time users return home from a night out. Harmful effects: Effects of the drug begin 15-60 minutes after use and typically last up to 6 hours. It can be detected in the urine up to 12 hours after ingestion. Tolerance (progressive decreased susceptibility to a drug's effects), dependence (compulsion to take a drug to experience its psychic effects or to avoid the discomfort of its absence), and withdrawal reactions have been reported with GHB use. Respiratory depression can be severe enough to require life support on a ventilator or breathing machine until the drug effects wear off.Rohypnol (generic name, flunitrazepam) a potent benzodiazepine (a class of tranquilizing agents), is known as Mexican Valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, roche, R2, rope, and forget-me pill. It is available in more than 60 countries in Europe and Latin America, where its legitimate use includes preoperative anesthesia. This drug is not available in North America for sale or prescription. It is usually brought into the United States by mail. Florida, California, and Texas are the states that have the most confiscations of rohypnol.

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While a tense abdomen filled with fluid is easy to recognize, initially, the amount of ascites fluid may be small and difficult to detect. As the amount of fluid increases, the patient may complain of a fullness or heaviness in the abdomen. It is often the signs of the underlying disease that initially brings the patient to seek medical care.