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(The aging of developed countries)
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With the aging of developed countries, more resources are needed to bridge the scarcity gap. Women are an essential resource to keep the economic level at a proper pace that brings economic growth and keeps the stability of social security. With more women joining the workforce the availability of workers is balanced out, with more benefits in terms of profitability and work-life balance.


Access to education and information gives women the knowledge to work in different fields and the power to make their own choices. Electricity and automation facilitate day-to-day activities and allow more time to be spent on education, self-care, and work. Also, with the possibility of remote work, women can manage better their time among family and work activities.


Traditions and beliefs, like “Women are the caretakers”, play against the participation of more women in the workforce.


Women in leadership increase revenues and profitability. Women in the workforce have contributed to more than 25% of overall growth in GDP.


Melinda Gates https://www.linkedin.com/in/melindagates/?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAACP3Z8sBD-VB2ez3ArHe2-9lHoPwTaCGV1c


Web Resources:

https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2011/02/14/causes-and-consequences-of-the-increasing-numbers-of-women-in-the-workforce/?sh=39b67dca728c https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/pau/age/Policy_briefs/ECE_WG-1_34.pdf