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<strong>Technological Advancement (Nyeko Sonny)</strong>
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The technological advancement in telecommunications is of tremendous improvement and can as well act as a catalyst to laptop use generally. The usage of Wi Fi and Bluetooth technologies can be used to facilitate consumers in their pursuit of work-based or recreational Internet usage. The Wi Fi technology can transfer data at a faster speeds and range, whereas the Bluetooth requires less energy power.
<strong>Infrastructural Improvement (Nyeko Sonny)</strong>
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The need to universal access to technology especially computers to bridge the digital divide called for improvement in infrastructure by most governments especially now in developing economies. Improvement in roads and electric power generation now tops agendas in almost all countries and surprisingly affordable to citizens.
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Revision as of 01:00, 6 March 2007


Driving Forces

Political & Social

  • The Rise of Awareness in Educational Importance (Xin Wang)

    With the trend of accelerating globalization, the governments of developing countries would realize the importance of catching up the pace of global development, both economic and technology. And how can they achieve this goal? The most important factor which would contribute to one country’s development significantly should be the improvement of education and training of skilled professionals. Although fund insufficiency and lack of training specialties could be the main obstacle to this trend, the local government could still pay more and more efforts to the educational issues, and try their best to finance for them.

  • Charity would play an important role for our project.(Xin Wang)

    With the development of global industry, the civilians in most countries would become richer and richer, especially in developed countries. In this way, according to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, they are no longer just be satisfied with their physiological or safe-purpose needs, but to realize their individual value, the self-actualization, including creativity, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts, and morality [1]. Therefore, there would be more and more individuals who would like to contribute their own efforts and wealth to charity. At that time, since the educational infrastructure in developed countries would be already sophisticated and almost perfect, the charities’ educational efforts would focus more on developing countries. Therefore, the rise of charity’s power and individuals’ self-achievement awareness would drive the $100 laptop per child project significantly.


    As the human evaluated, every generation becomes more focused on the children’s education. The traditional education is no longer enough to satisfy these young generations. When the technology is leading the world and the globalization, the distance between the world becomes smaller and smaller. The multi-languages become more and more important. The communication via network becomes more popular. The $100 laptop is a powerful tool to satisfy these young group generations, because of the useful information exchange and world-wide-web.


    Is the school education enough and useful for the rest of your life? This becomes the issues of every single family. Because of the trend of globalization and life time learning, the family education becomes more important. The $100 laptop is a good tool of interactions between children and parents. The multi-media are playing an important role. It closes the distance between the parents and children and the parents can use this laptop to find the children’s personal interest and their characteristics out.

  • Education (Nyeko Sonny)

    As families and governments empower individuals and the public to completely eradicate poverty, diseases and illiteracy, masses are able to go to school. The computers and laptops are now cheaper and at the same time learners can even study from home in their native languages. Those with visual disabilities are also catered for by way of optical devices. Children may not be able to see their teachers face-to-face with technologies that will facilitate and knowledge sharing.

  • The information Explosion (Nyeko Sonny)

    The explosion of information is being helped by the use of computers. This has led to the search of information through different ways as a result of the ever evolving telecommunications technologies, which has impacted greatly on the way of life of the society. The movement to a purely global information economy has also led to the urban migration hence ‘killing’ villages as people search for new ideas and knowledge. However, with information explosion, it’s less important for people to move as ideas are now mobile.

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Science & Technology:

  • Technology will lower the cost.(Xin Wang)

    Computer technology would be quite sophisticated in next 10 years, especially in micro processor field. With the help of nanotechnology and methodology for designing of massive integrated circuit, and since the fully competition in computer components market, the cost of producing mini laptops could be relatively low. And this would be another driven force for $100 laptop per child.


    The new generations of the power electronics circuit has the trend of replacing the traditional power transformer and circuit. The reason is because of the new power electronics circuit has higher efficiency, switching ability and the most important is the smaller size and lighter weight therefore most of the energies switched into the power output instead of heat energy. It also means the size of the internal radiator is much smaller. It means this technology can be highly integrated into a small laptop and solves the heat and weight problem.


    Smaller is not smallest. The nanotechnology has the advantage of making the components smaller, durable and tougher. It means that this nanotechnology has a possibility of making a water proof, dust proof, antiseptic, moisture proof and shock proof laptop for the children in order to longer the life time of the every single laptop.


    The battery and traditional power charger is no longer the only one option to operate the laptop. In case of the improved solar power technology, it can charge the laptop power at any moment as long as there is a light available. This ability can help most of the condition when the sockets are not enough or no longer available (especially when the class is not in the classroom).

  • Technological Advancement (Nyeko Sonny)

    The technological advancement in telecommunications is of tremendous improvement and can as well act as a catalyst to laptop use generally. The usage of Wi Fi and Bluetooth technologies can be used to facilitate consumers in their pursuit of work-based or recreational Internet usage. The Wi Fi technology can transfer data at a faster speeds and range, whereas the Bluetooth requires less energy power.

  • Infrastructural Improvement (Nyeko Sonny)

    The need to universal access to technology especially computers to bridge the digital divide called for improvement in infrastructure by most governments especially now in developing economies. Improvement in roads and electric power generation now tops agendas in almost all countries and surprisingly affordable to citizens.

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  • Support from international companies.(Xin Wang)

    Since the price of labor force in developed countries would be relatively high, more and more international companies would like to move their manufacture modules to developing countries, where the labor price is relatively low. However, there would be another problem, which is the cultivation of supply chain. Generally, the supply chain is not as matured as they are in developed countries. And no matter in supply chain companies or in manufacturing departments themselves, skilled professionals are highly needed. So, in the long run, and even for the sake of the international companies themselves, to invest on the local education could be able to get support of multinational companies.

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Resources & Environment


    Because of the high speed of the consumer electronics elimination, the recycle materials will become a major force of producing the new raw materials. It will force the components’ price lower and friendly environment. It means the price of the laptop can be lower because of the cheaper recycle materials.

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Population and Demographic


    The price of bring up children are becoming more expensive because of the importance of the education. The demand of the children decreased therefore in the coming 20 years, the labor forces will become unbalanced. One third of the population in Europe will retire. It means the quality of the young education and technology will become more important. The $100 laptop can be a solution to improve the quality of learning for the young generations.

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[1] Wikipedia, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs

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